Baby Loss, Grief & Love

S5, E1 - Relationship breakdown after loss

Kelly Wells Season 5 Episode 1

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On this episode Kelly welcomes 'service user' Katy to the podcast. Katy has used our counselling service, joined our support group and has a plaque at our Baby Memorial Garden.

Katy shares her heartbreaking loss of  daughter Freya, at 22 weeks  through TFMR. She explains how difficult the decision was and she just didn't want Freya in any pain.

One of the main reasons for Katy coming on  was to open up about her relationship breakdown after losing Freya. She shares how on top her grief for Freya she was grieving her relationship and her future. She felt scared and extremely isolated,  the life she knew had completed changed and found herself navigating this new world on her own.

Katy explains that it is so important to find the positives in such an awful situation otherwise it destroys you. Katy shares that every day is still hurtful but she is so proud of herself for making tough yet brave decisions. Over a year on Katy found herself  travelling to Canada on her own and loved every moment. This is something she thought she could never do.

It was important for Katy to send a message  "If anyone is struggling, please reach out. I understand the devastation around relation breakdowns after loss and I'm here if you need someone to listen" 

If you would like to get in contact with Katy, please email

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